30th Oct 2014 : A Down-to-Earth Sort of Name
A Down-to-Earth Sort of Name
October 30th, 2014

A Down-to-Earth Sort of Name

The X-Prize – they say yes!

What could possibly go wrong?

So, the Robot fancies himself as Tom rather than Huck? Probably says a lot about him wanting to be just an ordinary boy. But, he needs the tearaway, imaginative, reckless Huck Finn to lead him to adventure.

Fortunately he has a bit of Huck inside him – in the shape of his multiple memory sub-systems.


  1. avatar Munzly

    So do we expect a “DEF PROC: CPU Huck hack”?

  2. avatar robogeek

    Ah well, maybe not exactly – but who knows, maybe we will have a little Tom Sawyer style adventure mixed with Lost-in-Space?

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