12th Feb 2016 : Bits And Bots
Bits And Bots
February 12th, 2016

Bits And Bots

Ahh, how nostalgic. This reminds me of one of our very earliest strips. The scientist pushing a wheelbarrow to B&Q and finding it “closed for essential building repairs” ;) [Comic3 and Comic4]
That was nearly 200 issues ago – amazing, considering our readership is 2 or 3 guys, a couple of schoolchildren and a dog. (Sorry, may have exaggerated for the sake of my ego – there is no dog)

By the way, it was always my mission to try to tie this strip in with comments about AI, Robotics, and Techy-stuff in general. For that reason, I should like to point out that there really is a NASA Robot on which Robonaut was based Read Here : Robonaut2. Although, I actually have nothing to say about it (technical or otherwise), other than the picture looks like Iron Man playing Hamlet.

^ One Comment...

  1. avatar Munzly

    Write in a cuddly-Bot, then you might gain some distaff readers; or at least get some dogs excited…..

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