10th Oct 2013 : Thanks For The Memories
Thanks For The Memories
October 10th, 2013

Thanks For The Memories

And what a bunch of memories there are in this strip!  And a great joke, of course!

I think The Talented One is getting all misty-eyed and nostalgic – nothing new there – but this time he is tugging on my memories not his (Twiki!).  Yes, that is a young impressionable me on the wall, and the book … well the book is something very special to me – no matter how boring it may look!

Yes, it is the seminal work on AI – the bible and textbook for all that take the subject. It describes techniques that were once AI but are now pretty much mainstream – A* search for instance.   Peter Norvig – one of the authors – was poached by Google back in 2001 and helped to make their search cleverer and also made the (amazing) speech translation capability a real success.  Search and Speech Recognition – pure AI !

This all makes me want to go back to college – or at the very least go and do some AI programming for fun again :)


^ One Comment...

  1. avatar Munzly

    Yep that one’s a doosie!

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